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Increase your page views upto 300% using LINKWITHIN

  • Post category:Web
Every website owners or webmasters like to make their website in lower bounce rate, Because the website shouldn’t be equal to visitors rate with page views,if your blog having regular visitor means surely you have more page views, if your traffic source should from search engine, the bounce rate should be probably high, so making your site with recommendation post help visitors to view more post
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Linkwithin helps you to make more pageviews in free of cost, it simply recommend users with related post including thumbnail,this widget has working almost with all web platform like WordPress, blogger, typepad and website custom code,

Steps to instal Linkwithin

  • Open Linkwithin
  • Now enter the details like email address, Blog address, and select Platform,
  • if you using blogger means, Select Blogger and hit continue,
  • now you have been redirected to,
  • select your respective blogger and add widget to blogger, finally hit save arrangement,
  • now Linkwithin have been automatically alligned to post bottom,

i hope this may helpful,