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Hear mp3 songs on GTA San Andreas

  • Post category:How to
In Grant auto theft, there is option to listen radio station while riding the car or bike. these feature is available from Liberty city, Vicy city and San Andreas too. but most of them don’t know the place that songs where to install. here the tips will guide you the step by step process to listen mp3 songs on game,

GTA san andreas mp3 songs
Step to install mp3 songs on game directory :

  • You need to paste the audio tracks shortcut’s in user data folder belongs to GTA san andreas, So the saved game data mostly saved in documents folder in Windows. Mostly you can find the path (C:UsersusernameDocumentsGTA San Andreas/User Files/User Tracks )
  • Open the folder User Tracks
select track player


  • Now select your Favorites songs and paste it on User Tracks Folder.
  • Just use paste shortcut
  • That’s it, you’re done.
Now the time for change settings in Game options :

  • Now open your game,
  • Select Options –> Audio setup –> user track option
scan user tracks in san andreas
  • Select –> Scan user tracks,
  • Now come back to your game,
  • Pick any car and select User track station by using “R” button or scroll up and down in your mouse,
Thats it, now you rock with your favorite music station in your favorite game. Sounds good isn’t. then go ahead.